Lab Day

The last day of our dig was spent in the lab processing excavated materials. We used toothbrushes and water to clean the artifacts which were then placed on screens to dry in the sun. The artifacts were counted, weighed and inserted in large ziplock bags which included legible slips with the pertinent information of site location, layer in soil and date. The same information was written on the outside of the bag to secure the provenance of the artifact. We had excavated pottery sherds, obsidian, lithic, and shells. While we were cleaning artifacts, the staff was updating logs and documenting progress. It wasn’t possible to clean all of the artifacts excavated in the two-week session in one day.


Hi, I'm Sue. Welcome to my blog. Blogging is an unexpected new adventure and what a challenge! Eleanor Roosevelt once said "Do one thing every day that scares you". Now I admit to being technically challenged so learning to blog and writing posts is scary. I am not so recently retired from a career in Corporate Taxation, traveling the world, giddy and euphoric that my time is my own to spend with family, learn new skills, volunteer and read to my heart's content.
Posted in Retired To Go.

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